by ruckusweb | Dec 20, 2023 | Tips & Tricks
Some of the things that tend to happen at this time of the year: horrid hangovers, suspect sartorial decisions, weightier waistlines, and for a lot of organisations, annual award ceremonies. The most powerful change we have made to recognising and celebrating our best...
by ruckusweb | Dec 5, 2023 | Managing
The enforced stop that was the pandemic meant that life inertia was halted for a lot of people, giving space for reviews of all sorts of things that may never have had air in the “normal” run of things. Behaviours changed, stopped, or new ones appeared in...
by ruckusweb | Jul 25, 2022 | Tips & Tricks
It feels like, over the last couple of months, our previously adult businesses have regressed to toddlerhood – both requiring close supervision and producing an endless amount of todos, or rather, “should have been done alreadys” – and have...
by Hannah Nightingale | Apr 15, 2022 | Tips & Tricks
I met with a friend this week who wants to lose a few pounds for an impending poolside holiday with skinny people, we discussed a few ideas before settling on strategy of fasting and faster dog walking. To her credit, she started then and there, displaying admirable...
by Hannah Nightingale | Apr 1, 2022 | Better Meetings, Tips & Tricks
After many years of advising our clients in the running of their operations, we took the plunge (I maintain I was pushed) last year and took on a country pub of our own. We are proud to say that the Ostrich in Castle Acre is now just about, almost, nearly finished and...
by Hannah Nightingale | Dec 6, 2021 | Tips & Tricks
A recent KAM Media report (Merging People & Tech) came back with some findings that would come as no surprise to most operators. Almost two thirds of staff reported they are enjoying hospitality less than they were pre-pandemic and almost the same number admitting...
by Hannah Nightingale | Oct 16, 2021 | Tips & Tricks
How many emails do you have in your inbox? I have precisely zero. A few years ago, I thought I was good at keeping on top of my emails, there were usually between 30 and 50 emails in my inbox that I intended to do something about. Eventually. About that time, I...
by Hannah Nightingale | Oct 5, 2021 | Managing, Tips & Tricks
How are you doing? A difficult question to answer, sometimes, another point of view is helpful. Brexit and the pandemic have stretched teams to the limit, the urgent often being prioritised over the important. Things like stock control, mystery shopping, bartender...
by Hannah Nightingale | Sep 28, 2021 | Tips & Tricks
A few years ago I was headed to a party and as a friend’s place was on the way, I offered to pick them up. The party started at 8, when I asked what time I should swing by, he said 7:30. When I asked why so early (this was very abnormal behaviour to me at the...
by Hannah Nightingale | Sep 21, 2021 | Better Meetings, Managing, Tips & Tricks
The inside of our new pub has been open for a week and with the whirlwind that comes with any opening abating slightly, it is now time to come back to one of my favourite topics, that of checklists. We have a relatively green team and a checklist is one of the most...